Messianic Resources

Jacob’s Hope Recommendations

The messianic resources descriptions are taken from the websites where items can be purchased and are not the property nor opinions of Jacob’s Hope or any of its team members. For more information or to purchase, click the title you are interested in and you will be directed to a site where the item can be purchased.

Most all of these resources can be purchased from: ROCK OF ISRAEL STORE

Messianic Judaism Resources

Identity Theft

Identity Theft
Ron Cantor

Your People

In an instant, David went from being a skeptical Jewish columnist to a desperate seeker of Truth. The catalyst was an angelic visitation-a moment that marked him forever. David’s quest spans numerous philosophies and religions, culminating with the Person of Yeshua – Jesus the Messiah. He is plummeted into a vigorous spiritual tug of war. How could a Jewish person like himself believe in Yeshua considering all the horrific acts that have been done to his ancestors in His name? Author Ron Cantor takes you on an unforgettable tour of history as an angel supernaturally escorts David through the halls of time. You will soon discover that though atrocities have been committed in the name of Yeshua, the greatest crime of all may be against the Messiah Himself… a crime of identity theft. Also next is:

Your People Shall Be My People
Don Finto

Too many gentile believers think of Christianity as a replacement for Judaism — and Israel is something apart from God’s plan. Don Finto reveals God’s purposes for His covenant people in these times — and how this revelation is impacting the Church. Forward by singer Michael W. Smith. 204 pages. Also next is:


A Guide to the Real Jesus and the Original Church
Dr. Ron Moseley

Dr. Moseley illuminates the Jewish background of Yeshua and the Church in this best-selling book. Must reading for every believer. Foreword by Dr. Marvin Wilson. Includes study questions and an extensive glossary. Can be used by individuals and Bible study groups who want to learn more about the Jewish roots of their faith. Eye-opening! 222 pages. Also next is:

More Messianic Judaism Resources

You Bring the Bagels
You Bring the Bagels, I’ll Bring the Gospel
Barry Rubin

This “how-to-witness-to-Jewish-people” book is an orderly presentation of everything you’ll need to share the Messiah with a Jewish friend or co-worker in a loving, non-confrontational manner. Offers insights into understanding Jewish religion and culture. Includes Messianic prophecies, Jewish objections to believing in Jesus, sensitivities in your witness and more. You’ll be educated and encouraged. 201 pages. Also next is:

Restoring Jewishness

Restoring the Jewishness of the Gospel
Dr. David H Stern

A book that introduces Christians to the Jewish roots of their faith, challenges some conventional ideas, and raises some neglected questions: how are both the Jews and the Church God’s people? Does the Law of Moses remain in force today? Filled with insight! 96 pages. Also next is:

Why Care About Israel

Why Care About Israel
Sandra Teplinsky

Conversation about the Arab-Israeli conflict usually starts by asking if God is for or against the Jewish state–or Palestinians, Arabs or Muslims. In this updated and urgent book, Sandra Teplinsky, an American-Israeli Jewish believer, shows why many Christians are asking the wrong questions about Israel. With gracious honesty and solid biblical insight, she unravels the mystery and controversy of Israel–and shows how it impacts you–by taking you into the Lord’s passion for all humankind. Also next is:

Jewish Customs Resources

Appointed Customs

God’s Appointed Customs
Barney Kasdan

This book explains how God’s appointed customs can be part of anyone’s lifestyle, Jew or Gentile. This is especially relevant to believers in Messiah, since Yeshua (Jesus) himself observed them. Includes marriage and family customs, mourning customs, and more! Each chapter offers historical background, traditional Jewish observance, relevance to the New Testament, and a practical guide to help believers observe these customs within the context of a biblical lifestyle. 170 pages. Also next is:

Appointed Times

God’s Appointed Times
Barney Kasdan

In this book, Barney Kasdan, leader of one of the world’s largest Messianic Jewish congregations, explains every holy day described in Scripture. He teaches about the major and minor holy days, ever mindful that he is writing to both Jews and Christians. 145 pages. Also next is:

Messianic Haggadah

The Messianic Passover Haggadah
Barry Rubin and Steffi Rubin

This 2-color, 36-page book guides you through the traditional Passover seder dinner, step-by-step. Not only does this observance remind us of our rescue from Egyptian bondage, but, we remember Messiah’s last supper, a Passover seder. The theme of redemption is seen throughout the evening. What’s so unique about our Haggadah is the focus on Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah and his teaching, especially on his last night in the upper room. Also next is:

Music Resources

Hu Yavo

Hu Yavo
Joshua Aaron

He Will Come! Wonderfully refreshing, hopeful and uplifting with songs in both Hebrew and English. Full of hope, worship, adoration and praise. Also next is:


I Am Before You
I AM Before You
Sarah Liberman 
Sarah Liberman is an Israeli worship leader and songwriter who has devoted her life to blessing God’s heart and lifting Him up. Sarah’s passionate worship inspires believers of all ages to pursue the heart of God in a deeper way. Sarah regularly leads worship in several congregations in the north of Israel, together with a team of young Israelis, and travels to other countries bringing the unique sound of Israeli worship to the nations.  Also next is:


Other Resources

Tree of Life

Messianic Jewish Family Bible (TLV)
Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society (MJFB)

This brand new translation is a fully vetted Biblical text uniting the Grafted with the Chosen – inviting Christians into our Jewish world view. It is our goal to provide this new translation as a resource to the community while gathering families to study the word of God together. We seek to spread the Good News of Yeshua Messiah abroad to all mankind! Also next is:

New Testament Commentary

Jewish New Testament Commentary
Dr. David H Stern

This companion volume to the Jewish New Testament enhances Bible study. Passages and expressions are explained in their original cultural context, the way 1st century Jewish writers meant for them to be understood! Over fifteen years of research and study went into the JNTC to make the New Testament more meaningful! 960 pages. Also next is:

Complete Jewish Bible

Complete Jewish Bible
Dr. David H Stern

Presenting the Word of God as a unified Jewish book, the Complete Jewish Bible is a translation for Jews and non-Jews alike. Also it connects Jews with the Jewishness of the Messiah, and non-Jews with their Jewish roots. Names and key terms are returned to their original Hebrew and presented in easy-to-understand transliterations, enabling the reader to say them the way Yeshua (Jesus) did! For readers familiar with the Jewish New Testament, the Complete Jewish Bible is a welcome sight!

Recommendations by the Jacob’s Hope Team

Sing up to be an INTERCESSORY prayer worrier for Israel today. Click HERE