Jacob’s Hope Delivers Prayers to Western Wall

Jacob’s Hope Delivers Prayers to Western Wall

Brent Jonson, director of Jacob’s Hope, delivered over 1000 prayers to the Western Wall located in Jerusalem, Israel in December. The prayers were from General Council of the Assemblies of God 2017 (GC) and The World Missions Summit4 (TWMS4). Furthermore the prayers were originally put into the display wall at GC and TWMS4 by participants. The participants were wishing to have their prays inserted into the original Wall

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Jacob’s Hope Team in Israel – December 2017

Jacob’s Hope Team in Israel – December 2017

While the Jacob’s Hope team was in Israel planning for the upcoming year of ministry in the Land. Also we were ministering to Jewish people in Jerusalem as well as other parts of the country including the northern Golan Heights area bordering Syria. Furthermore we were able to pray for the soldiers of the IDF one on one and in addition in group settings. Also we were able

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Hanukkah & Winter Greetings From Jacob’s Hope

Hanukkah & Winter Greetings From Jacob’s Hope

 From the Director of Jacob’s Hope This season the director of Jacob’s Hope brings greetings to all of you. Bent Johnson the director of Jacob’s Hope brings Hanukkah and Winter greetings. Brent talks about the season and story of Hanukkah. Hanukkah is the celebration of light and dedication to God. Brent talks about the difference between the temple Menorah (7 branches) and the Hanukkah Hanukiah (9 branches) used

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