Invitation to Pray

Dear Friends and Partners of Jacob’s Hope,
Missionary Associates, Wade and Debby Clark, recently joined the Jacob’s Hope team and are doing a great job in our offices in Springfield, Missouri. They have a heart for the Jewish people and are growing in their understanding of Jewish culture and gaining some valuable historical and biblical training concerning these precious people scattered around the world.
I have asked Debby to develop a team of intercessors among our partners and congregations to pray for lsrael and the Jewish people on a monthly basis. Debby is excited to participate in this effort and takes it very seriously. She has been part of an intercessory prayer group in her former church and recognizes this is a needed and vital component for the ministry of Jacob’s Hope. I know Debby and our faithful “watchmen on the wall” will be a blessing.
I asked Debby to share her heart with you:
This is Debby with an invitation to the church, prayer group or individual to commit to intercessory prayer with Jacob’s Hope. Once a month I will send a brief communication listing several items with specific ways to pray. lt is my prayer that a desire will ignite to intercede for those hungry souls who have not yet accepted Messiah as Lord and for the needs requiring divine intervention. Although we do not pray for our own reward, Psalm 122:6 does state: “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; they shall prosper that love thee.” What a privilege we believers have to access the throne room of grace. Please won’t you consider agreeing in prayer with others for others?
If you sense a desire to participate in this vital ministry emphasis, please contact me by mail at the address above or through the Jacob’s Hope website, (under -lnformation tab-Contactmessage). Indicate whether you want the monthly letter by USPS mail or email. The letter will go out the first week of each month.
Thank you friends and partners for your willingness to serve with us in this tremendous ministry opportunity! Your prayers make all we do possible and fruitful for His Kingdom!
In His Shalom,
Brent Johnson, Director, Jacob’s Hope
“Brothers, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for the lsraelites is that they may be saved.” Romans 10:1

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