November Prayer Points – Petition for Divine Intervention

Petition for Divine Intervention

The enemy’s attempt to completely destroy the apple of God’s eye is close to becoming reality. Petition for divine intervention. “For the nations get trapped in the very snares they set for others. The hidden trap they set for the weak has snapped shut upon themselves!” Psalm 9:15 TPT


  • Israeli leaders to plan and prepare for the worse scenario and pray for God’s divine intervention
  • The Israeli military leaders to make preparations for enemy attack while seeking the Lord who orders their steps 
  • The plans of the enemy to be revealed and stopped before causing harm
  • Confusion in the enemy’s camp so nothing succeeds

 Prayers against Anti-Semitism on College Campuses

Across American college campuses Jewish students are removed from student government and campus positions on the excuse that they must be Zionists, supporters of Israel. Also the often liberal college groups embracing social justice, such as, boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel, have another purity test. A purity test is about testing a willingness to hate people and endorse a new extremist position on demand. Basic human decency, morals and principles are destroyed as people pass the test by embracing what they once knew was wrong.

The newest anti-Semitic demand is to condemn the right for the Jewish people to have their own nation. Recently at George Washington University (GWU) a few liberal groups threatened boycotting a voting rights rally if Jewish groups were allowed to participate. A few days later, again at GWU, a fraternity house with Jewish members was vandalized and its Torah scroll torn apart and covered in detergent.

Emotional health of college students is decreasing as the demands to embrace extremist positions increases. Requests for on-campus psychological help is increasing beyond the capacity of trained counselors to handle.

“Jerusalem, we pray that you will have peace, and that all will go well for those who love you.”

Psalm 122:6 CEV


  • College students to study the Jewish roots of Christianity and gain understanding of God’s love for the Jewish people and the land of Israel
  • College students to find freedom from emotional distress when they begin praying for the peace of Jerusalem
  • Personal revivals to miraculously breakout as students surrender to the Lord
  • The Jewish college students to become friends with believers in Messiah
  • Hanukah (Nov 28-Dec 6) to be an opportunity for Jewish and non-Jewish believers to share life and love for the miraculous provision of the Lord

 Prayer for Jacob’s Hope

Hearing of an answer to prayer is like icing on the cake. However, it is not always wise for us to share too much information for security purposes. We are grateful for each of you who join us in prayer for Israel and the Jewish people. Jacob’s Hope is seeing miraculous events that only God could orchestrate. We praise Him “for His lovingkindness endures forever.” Please know your prayers make a difference. We believe for miraculous breakthrough for the following needs:


  • Training for Messianic pastors
  • Discipleship of new believers
  • Spirit empowerment for Jewish evangelism
  • Next steps for Ethiopia and Latin America
  • Many families need healthy relationships, spiritual and physical health
  • Restoration of health and strength for our missionaries
  • Traveling mercies

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