October Prayer Points – Best Path For Global Leadership
Pray for the Global Leadership
To determine the best path is not an easy decision for Global Leadership. Every government is doing the best they can humanly do. The one action a government should not take is to turn against Israel. From a Biblical worldview this would be detrimental. God’s promises are true. At the final judgement He will separate the goat nations from the sheep nations.
“Now when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them from one another, just as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. And He will put the sheep on His right, but the goats on His left.” Matthew 25:31-33 TLV
- Global leadership to ask God for wisdom and direction
- The Lord will bless nations that bless Israel (Genesis 12:3)
Pray against anti-Semitism
Anti-Semitic acts continue to increase around the globe. This is a problem among people in and outside of denominations.
“As for you, my flock, thus says the Lord God: Behold, I judge between sheep and sheep, between rams and male goats” Ezekiel 34:17 TLV
“Because of your long-standing hatred, you put the people of Isra’el to the sword at their time of calamity, at the time of final iniquity. Moreover, you have boasted against me with your mouths, speaking more and more against me — I have heard it.” Ezekiel 35:5, 13 CJB
- People of faith to understand the Jewish roots of Christianity
- Denominations to stand against anti-Semitism
Prayer for the IDF
When a planned attack is detected before causing injury or a successful interception, our prayers are making a difference. The Lord responds to our prayers, and He will fight for Israel.
“Therefore I will save my flock; they will no longer be prey. Ezekiel 34: 22a TLV
- Training and assignments to match the abilities of the soldiers
- Supernatural courage, discernment and alertness in assigned areas
- Messianic believers to strengthen their relationship with the Lord through Bible studies, comradery and prayer
Prayer for Jacob’s Hope
- Spirit empowerment for Jewish evangelism
- The Lord will bring together the final details in upcoming projects
- Healing and strength for our missionaries
- God directed development with partnerships for ministry
- Traveling mercies
- For our prayer partners and supporters, the Lord will meet all their needs, heal bodies and restore family relationships
If you would like to pray for Israel each month sign up for Watchmen On The Wall
It is our privilege to pray for your needs.
Contact information: phone 417-865-3295 or email: debby@jacobshope.com