Brent Johnson of Jacob’s Hope Gives Update

The director of Jacob’s Hope, Brent Johnson, gives an update for Jacob’s Hope – May 16, 2022. Director Brent Johnson discusses ministries of Jacob’s Hope in Ukraine, Ethiopia, and Israel and thanks all those who support and pray for Jacob’s Hope and it’s team members.

History of Jacob’s Hope – In 2009 Rabbi Jeff and Vixie Friedman under the direction of former Assembly of God World Missions director Rev. John Bueno launched the ministry of Jacob’s Hope. Furthermore the goal was to bring hope to Jewish people around the world. Also in 2011 the ministry of Jacob’s Hope was placed under the direction of Dr. Joann Butrin director of International Ministries. In addition Jacob’s Hope has ministered to Jewish people around the world in Eastern Europe, Ethiopia, Africa, South America, and of course Israel. Especially relevant is that these efforts have had a tremendous impact on the lives of Jewish people. As a result this impact is continuing today through the ministry of Jacob’s Hope. Most of all we pray G-d’s continued blessing and shalom on Jeff and Vixie who retired in 2015 from Assemblies of God World Missions. Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support. Thank you and may G-d give you grace and peace in abundance.


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