September 2017 Prayer Points

1. Pray for protection upon the people during the September festivals. Pray Jehovah Rohi (The Lord my Shepherd) will lead them to understanding and acceptance of Messiah Y’Shua. We are currently in the month of Elul, a time of prayer, soul-searching, and repentance for national sins. This is followed by Rosh Hashanah, the Feast of Trumpets, (sunset Sept. 20 – sunset Sept. 22), that begins the ten Days

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August 2017 Prayer Points

1.  Pray for Israel’s security forces protecting the Temple Mount that methods used for security will be unobtrusive and effective against attacks allowing access to all worshipers. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem that evil plans fail and the enemies of God would be caught in their own traps. Most of you are aware of the elevated tensions over the Temple Mount. The security situation began on July

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July 2017 Prayer Points

Pray for Israeli government and military to have wisdom, clarity and courage to deal with the growing tensions with neighboring nations in a way that furthers Adonai’s purposes. Pray the IDF will be alert, prepared and protected for whatever the future holds. Iran’s control and threat in the Middle East is spread through Syria and Lebanon where Iran is working through Hezbollah in operating an underground weapons manufacturing

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