May 2019 Prayer Points – “Counting the Omer”

Counting the Omer

The Jewish community is presently observing the biblical spring feast season occurring between Passover and “Shavuot”. It retraces their ancestors’ seven-week spiritual journey from the Exodus to Sinai. 49 days are known as “Counting the Omer”. (The omer was an ancient unit of measure of the grain harvest.) It is a time of giving thanks for the past, present and future agricultural harvest.  It is also a time of reflection and leaning into relationship with The Creator. On the 50th day God gave Israel the gift of the Law, the Torah, at Sinai, according to traditional belief. Also it was during Counting the Omer that Yeshua revealed Himself as the risen Messiah. It was on Shavuot the Body of Messiah (the Church) was born as one new man of Jewish and Gentile believers in Messiah.

“by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace”  Ephesians 2:15 (ESV)

“I pray that they may be united with us, so that the world may believe that you sent me.”

John 17:21b (CJB)

 Pray for the One New Man

The Jewish and Gentile believers in Messiah are the Church, the Body of Messiah, and the one new man.

PRAYER:  Together we can do more than apart. Unite the believers in Messiah so together we function as one new man. We praise you, Father, for when you unite us in Messiah, the world may believe you came and are coming again very soon. We thank you for the past, present and future harvest of souls for eternity.

 Prayer for Israel’s Coalition Government

The formation of Israeli’s new coalition government by Prime Minister Netanyahu coincides this year with “Counting of the Omer”.  In previous coalition governments, the prime minister aligned with ultra-Orthodox religious groups resulting in unfair treatment and laws toward Messianic believers.

PRAYER:  Father, we thank you for placing leaders in position and removing leaders. Remove religious strongholds so all the people of Israel will be treated impartially.  We thank you for drawing the hearts of man into a closer relationship with you Lord during this spring feast season of Counting the Omer.  We thank you for birthing a new coalition government, uniting them in purpose, and making peace in Israel.

 Pray for Jacob’s Hope – while we are counting the omer

  • Follow up with developing ministries and strengthening relationships in Ethiopia and Dominican Republic
  • Believers with Jewish understanding to follow their missionary call with Jacob’s Hope
  • Financial resources to furnish the Israel Hope Center
  • All our missionaries to speak God’s heart at meetings and for travel mercies

“Don’t you have a saying, ‘Four more months and then the harvest’? Well, what I say to you is: open your eyes and look at the fields! They’re already ripe for harvest!”  John 4:35 CJB

PRAYER:  Father, thank you for your abundant favor on our missionaries. Thank you for the many ministry opportunities that we always need your wisdom and direction. Thank you for believers who are responding to the missionary call. Lord, we thank you for financial provision already received for the completion of the Israel Hope Center and for the future provision yet to be released. We praise you for you are so very good. You are faithful. Your Word is true.

It is our privilege to pray for your needs. Contact information: 417-865-3295 or

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