September 2020 Prayer Points – Intercession for High Holy Days
Intercession for the Jewish People
This September two high holy days occur as outlined in Leviticus 23:23–27. They are Rosh Hashanah (Head of the Year)/Feast of Trumpets (19th) and Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement (28th). These are appointed times for God to meet His people.
The sound of the shofar awakens His children to the coming judgment, as well as, the start of the secular, Jewish New Year. Ten days later God appointed Israel’s high priest to provide for the atonement of His people’s sins, a day of special intimacy between the priest and God. After making atonement for his own sins by exactly following God’s instructions, the priest would come into God’s presence by entering the Holy of Holies. Adjustments were made with the destruction of the Temple, and good deeds became a substitute for the sacrifices of animals. Rabbinic tradition teaches that one’s name is written in the Book of Life when good deeds outweigh nasty deeds.
Finally, the God’s third appointed time in this season is the Levitical fall feast Sukkot/Feast of Tabernacles (Oct. 2-9). This festive period follows the repentance and restored relationship with God that happens at Yom Kippur. This is time for rejoicing and thanking God because His presence dwells with His people.
“For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you on the altar to make atonement for yourselves; for it is the blood that makes atonement because of the life.” Leviticus 17:11 CJB
“He has appeared once at the end of the ages in order to do away with sin through the sacrifice of himself.” Hebrews 9:26b CJB
- The shofar blast of Rosh Hashanah will awaken the Jewish people to their soon coming King
- The Lord will soften the partial hardening of hearts of His children
- More Gentile believers will make intercession for all of Israel’s salvation
- Messiah is forever living to make intercession for those who draw near to Him
- He is faithful and just to forgive us
- There is fullness of joy in the presence of the Lord
Pray for Shalom
Shalom is more than peace. It is the absence of war, conflict or stress. Also it means tranquility in international relationships, and also, a settled feeling, without civil war, within a nation.Also referring to harmony in human relationships, a personal sense of well-being, freedom from fear and anxiety with one’s own soul, and peace with God.
“Indeed, I will bring it health and healing, and I will surely heal them. I will reveal to them an abundance of shalom and truth.” Jeremiah 33:6 TLV
- The Jewish person and the Gentile demonstrate love for one another
- Individuals find personal shalom and peace with God
- The Israeli government will seek peace with its Middle East neighbors
- Israel’s sovereignty, including all of Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, will be restored according to God’s timing
- Doors will open to the Gospel in Israel and the Middle East
- God’s truth and shalom will reign in nations
- The Lord will heal the sick and end the pandemic
Intercession and Prayer for Jacob’s Hope
- Spirit empowerment for Jewish evangelism
- Missionaries will pursue plans the Lord planted in their hearts as the call of God is not revoked during this season
- Discipleship for new Messianic believers
- Shalom for the entire missionary community
- Shalom for the entire body of believers
Intercession for Israel and the Jewish People “Watchmen On The Wall”
It is our privilege to pray for your needs.
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