March 2019 Prayer Points – Israel April Election

Pray for the Israeli Election

The election of Prime Minister will be held April 9, but Israelis do not directly vote for their Prime Minister. Instead, they cast a single vote for one of the 47 political parties registered in Israel. This determines the number of seats a party gets in the Parliament (known as the Knesset – Knesset building pictured above). The 47 political parties have already selected people to represent their party. The President will go chronologically down the list and Knesset seats are filled in proportion to the number of votes the party gets nationwide.

After the election, the Israeli President (who is also appointed by the Knesset) looks over the newly selected Knesset members and parties based on political ideologies. In addition the President determines which like-minded parties have the best chance of uniting to form a government. Also he chooses the party head he believes to be most capable of forming a government to be the Prime Minister who then must put together a coalition of at least 61 out of the 120 member Knesset or a simple majority.

“Of the increase of His government and shalom there will be no end—on the throne of David and over His kingdom— to establish it and uphold it through justice and righteousness from now until forevermore.”  Isaiah 9:6 TLV

PRAYER:  Father, turn the hearts of leaders to you. Likewise may those who govern recognize the privilege and high calling to lead the people you call “the apple of your eye”. Above all thank you for uniting people and bring order out of the confusion. Most importantly we praise you for bringing about a government based on righteousness, justice and judgement. Thank you for shalom and increase of the Lord’s government forever and ever.

Pray for Jacob’s Hope

  • Favor and opportunities for those traveling this month:

Missionary Brent –Ethiopia February 26-March 11

Missionary Brent –Ethiopia February 26-March 11

Missionaries Wade and Debby –Dominican Republic, March 12-21

  • Financial resources to furnish the Israel Hope Center
  • Believers to respond to God’s call to missionary assignments with Jacob’s Hope

“Don’t you have a saying, ‘Four more months and then the harvest’? Well, what I say to you is: open your eyes and look at the fields! They’re already ripe for harvest!”  John 4:35 CJB

It is our privilege to pray for your needs. Contact information: 417-865-3295 or

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